⭐️ Why I wish puppy sales were not a part of being a breeder?

What if I told you the puppy sale is meant to be an interactive and collaborative process between a buyer and a breeder? No one side is in more charge of the situation than the other. Yet, many future owners approach it with level of disdain. They are the ones paying the money after all, right? The money will not be the decisive factor for a reputable breeder. Easy example – if a person looking for a daily jogging companion is reaching out to a Pekingese breeder – no money will change the dog. It just demonstrates the lack of research and understanding of the breed, and now… the breeder is put in position to either leave the conversation or explain the difference and breed limitations, suggest other breeds. That’s where another hat is worn by the breeder – Client service rep for their breed. It is certainly polite to share some information, but it takes time, time away from your family, dogs, job, personal time.  When your passion is dogs and breed preservation – conversations that don’t bring you joy or help someone just may not be worthwhile.
If you ever wondered, here are the hats a preservation breeder has to wear pretty much daily:

▪️Dog Breeding Specialist
▪️Vet Technician
▪️Canine Doula
▪️Neonate Care Spacialist
▪️Data Entry and Analytics Specialist
▪️Networking Specialist
▪️Mentor/Public Speaker
▪️Dog Trainer
▪️Performance/Conformation Handler
▪️Dog Groomer
▪️Client Service Rep
▪️Website Maintenance Specialist
▪️Social Media Manager
▪️Content Creator

I love my puppy families and the sense of community we’ve formed, but these aren’t ordinary families. We form relationship and trust between each other and they understand the amount of effort I put into my dogs and puppies, as much as I see and value the amount of work and love they put into their dogs. And let me tell you, such families are few and far in between.

Please, value the time a breeder dedicates to you when you reach out and thank them if they go an extra mile to share additional information or resources you didn’t know existed. There will always be polite and there will be ignorant people – breeders and potential families. We simply need to be respectful of one another and value each other’s time.
Choose the breeder you are most comfortable with and the work of whom you value. After all, when you purchase a puppy from a breeder you support that program and the values they stand for in their passion. Please, do your research.


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