apple garden chihuahuas

⭐️Where did all the good breeders go?

️ Someone recently asked me: “Why there is such a little number of chihuahua breeders?” And it’s a good question….There are many producers, but there aren’t many reputable ethical preservation breeders in Canada. A breeding program is very time and effort-consuming, as well as requiring ongoing sizeable investments into the program in order to maintain …

⭐️Where did all the good breeders go? Read More »

⭐️Breeder Red Flags for Puppy Buyers: How many dogs and litters should a good breeder have?

It is common to see dog owners discuss on FB and other forums the number of litters and dogs a good breeder has to have and no one seems to agree on the same number. The truth is….THERE ISN’T ONE! Some people can’t adequately care for 2 dogs, while others can maintain 20 dogs in …

⭐️Breeder Red Flags for Puppy Buyers: How many dogs and litters should a good breeder have? Read More »

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