Sometimes we get very protective of our little ones. But we must understand that teaching a dog being independent and cope with stressful situations from young age will help its adaptability. ⠀
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⠀ Socialization is key and involves much more than having a pup meet people of all ages. It includes familiarization with different sounds, textures, surfaces, dealing with frustration and finding a solution, learning to stay alone. We help puppies be confident adults. ⠀
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⠀ Toys: did you know that each toy type has a purpose? Balls – for exercise and retrieving; Chews – help with teeth development and strengthen face muscles; Noise Toys – teach to not be afraid of new sounds; Interactive – for mental stimulation. ⠀ ⠀
⠀Crate training should be done for a dog to know it has a safe place in a house it can relax in. Dogs are den animals; they want their own small space. Crate should NEVER be used as a punishment tool. ⠀
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⠀Separation anxiety is a topic discussed among new pet owners who’re concerned with their puppy feeling abandoned when they go back to work. Crate training helps a puppy have a safe enclosed room. Enriching activities and toys will help expend extra physical and mental energy.
You can teach a pup to stay home alone. Start with short periods and gradually increase the time. Praise with cookies for a job well done. Record the dog to watch stress level when you left and monitor improvement. ⠀
⠀ It’s important to avoid highly frightening experiences to prevent any puppy-hood trauma. Be cautious of what terrifies your pup and introduce it gradually. When it’s out of your control (fireworks, loud trucks or cheerful shouts), I recommend a supplement that helps dog to calm – It’s not a magic pill, but such types of supplements are designed to support relaxation, especially during times of increased stress and/or anxiety. ⠀
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⠀ Take care of your dog and you both will enjoy the time spent together! ⠀